1. How does Targeting Work?

Gather Lists We start with a list of mailing addresses from your CRM or supplied by a third party that you want to target.

IP Match VoteComm’s algorithm uses numerous first-party data points to match the list to IP addresses with a 95% confidence level.

Deploy the Campaign After matching, we serve ads to the devices connected to the IP addresses correlated to your list.

2. Versatile hosting plans and pricing

We can handle campaigns from the local level all the way up to national election campaigns. You can contact us today for a risk-free consultation.

3.What is VoteComm?

VoteComm is a digital marketing agency that combines traditional marketing with advanced political advertising technology (ad tech) enterprise. By choosing VoteComm, you are able to gain a competitive advantage with your digital advertising by using our proprietary technology that identifies and reaches the right audiences with unparalleled precision. We deliver results that matter, all without the use of cookies.

4. Can I use my direct mail lists to do IP targeting?

Yes, we have a large number of customers who incorporate IP Targeting in conjunction with direct mail campaigns.  We find that the pairing of IP Targeting and direct mail greatly increases the overall advertising effectiveness.

5. Want to work with us?

Contact us at info@votecomm.com for a free consultation and digital footprint summary.


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